I don't have enough time or attention span to write out a review for the whole game, so I'll take it piece-by-piece.
Street Fighter IV Online Multiplayer
Honestly, if I wanted to gety constantly killed by 5-year-olds that only know how to hit two buttons over and over again, I'd play my brother. It seems like EVERYONE on SF4 has no grip on the controls, so they pick the character they unlocked using a strategy guide and throw flames at you without any tactic or thought in their mind. (I'm looking at you, Akuma and Sagat!) So, I go into match after match, hoping for somthing new. Every once in a while, I'll find someone that will play as not Akuma, Sagat, or Zangief, and I will gladly beat them. You know why? Because the developers wanted an "arcade style" feel so badly, they decided to ignore the downsides of the game. Once again, as with all fighting games (SSB), you can train for months, to be beaten by a 1-year-old chewing on the controller.
For example, I just got done playing online, and my 1st, 2nd,3rd, and 4th matches were against Akuma, and then I went against Zangief, who proceeded to jump around manically pressing the "Grab" combination. He won of course, but I won the first round.
So, anybody else disappointed?